miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011
Trends in URBE
the nam
e of Maria killing her children by drowning them, in order to be with the man that she loved. When the man rejects her, she kills herself. Challenged at the gates of heaven as to the whereabouts of her children, she is not permitted to enter the afterlife until she has found them. Maria is forced to wander the Earth for all eternity, searching in vain for her drowned offspring, with her constant weeping giving her the name "La Llorona".
In some versions of the tale, La Llorona kidnaps wandering children, or children who disobey their parents. People who claim to see her say she comes out at nights or in the late evenings from rivers or oceans in Mexico. Some believe that those who hear the wails of La Llorona are marked for death, similar to the Gaelic banshee legend. She is said to cry "Ay, mis hijos! Ay, mis hijos!" which translates to "Oh, my children!"
From this then he is known as the weeping woman since she walks for them street crying for his dead children and everything that one who listens to his weeping meets attracted by this one and can spend a fright that it will not be able to overcome so easily to this person.
History of a robbery
Mari ♥
Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá
Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá or the Virgin of Chiquinquirá is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the northern Andean region of South America . She is the patron saint of Colombia, the Venezuelan state of Zulia, and the town of Caraz in Peru.
An image of the Virgin of Chiquinquirá can be found at the Basílica of Maracaibo, in Maracaibo - Venezuela, where it is also called La Chinita. Every November 18,
the city celebrates the traditional Feast of La Chinitawith masses and processions in honor of the Virgin.
An old lady named Maria Cárdenas made a living by washing other people's clothes, a job she did every morning at the shores of the lake. On November 18, 1709 she took a bulk of clothes, and as usual, went to the lake to start washing them. This old lady was at her chores when she saw a small wooden slab floating towards her. She picked it up thinking that it might be of some use.
When Cárdenas finished her work, she went home carrying the clothes, the wooden slab and a small vase with fresh water. She then placed the board on top of the vase, before noticing a small figure in the board but could not tell what it was. Feeling curious about this, she went directly to see what was happening and found the slab glowing with a bright light to later find the image of the Virgin of Chiquinquirá.
Surprised and filled with a strong emotion, Cárdenas immediately ran out of her house located on the 2nd avenue, screaming and shouting the words “Miracle! Miracle!” Her neighbors went where the woman was to find out that the apparition of the Virgin Mary was real. From that day on, the faith of the zulians found their Queen in the “Chinita”. As it has been expressed by many people, “She is the way that leads to Jesus”.
From this then the appearance of the maid is feasted the zulianos with devotion years after years fulfill his promise and with this holiday step is given to the navida.
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Mari ♥
miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011
"Comparison of two fast food restaurants"
martes, 4 de octubre de 2011
My favorite food is sweet and citrus!!
I like chicken , but i would like eat it someday at fridays restaurant people say it´s really good
The french fries are crunchy and crispy.